Friday, October 8, 2010

Hybrid Tea Rose

Hybrid tea rose, a cross between hybrid perpetuals and old fashioned tea roses, are rose royalty. They are the most popular rose in the world and perhaps the most popular flower. Hybrid teas have all the virtues you look for in a flower: beauty, fragrance and easy care. 
Hybrid teas generally produce only one blossom at the end of the stem, rather than clusters of flowers. They have an open rather than bushy habit. Virtually all are repeat bloomers throughout the growing season and offer some degree of fragrance.
The flowers on hybrid tea roses may have over 60 petals and be as large as 5 inches across. A signature of hybrid teas is the long, pointed buds that open by slowly unfurling. Plants will grow anywhere from 3-6 feet tall, depending on the variety and the growing conditions. The long, strong stems make them great cut flowers. Hybrid teas have been cultivated in almost every color except blue, with many extraordinary bi-colors to chose from. 

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